Сhecklist before/after treatments | Blog | Faceroom

Сhecklist before/after treatments

 Сhecklist before/after treatments

Contraindications to massage:

- malignancies
- acne
- allergy or dermatitis with violation of skin integrity
- multiple moles, papillomas
- scratches, abrasions, cuts on the face
- active stage of rosacea
- acute neuritis of the facial nerves
- hypertension
- acute respiratory disease
- first trimester of pregnancy

Non-invasive cleansing Active pureness by Comfort Zone 

 After the treatment it is recommended:
- Do not visit baths and saunas;
- Do not expose your skin to UVA/UVB  (sunbathing and visiting tanning salons);
- Do not use rough cleansing of the skin (abrasive scrubs, sponges);
- Do not use hot water, soap or alcohol–based cosmetics when washing;
- When washing use a delicate cleanser (foam, hydrophilic oil, cleansing gel, facial milk);
- Apply moisturizing/nourishing cream based on your skin type;

Try not to use a thick foundation for 2-3 days, replace it with mineral powder.
After cleansing it’s normal to have a slight swelling of the face as well as a slight peeling and redness (for 3-5 days). If you have followed all recommendations but still have questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


 Before and on the day of the procedure:
- We recommend preparing for a course of chemical - -  peeling (2-4 weeks in advance):
- Use creams/gels/tonics/cleansing products with retinol and acids in your home care, our specialist will select them individually for you.
- On the day after the treatment it is not recommended:
- to visit saunas, to take hot showers/baths (warm showers are recommended);
- to go in for sports (avoid if possible);
- to use rough skin cleansing (abrasive scrubs, sponges);

After the treatment and during your course it is recommended:

- When washing use a delicate cleanser (foam, hydrophilic oil, cleansing gel, facial milk);
- Do not open the inflammatory elements yourself, do not remove the crusts;
- Do not visit tanning salons during the course and 3 weeks after it, and also do not stay in the sun without using SPF  (if possible, limit your stay in countries with increased solar activity);
- During  solar activity period (from March to mid-October) use sunscreen - SPF 30-50;
- Avoid alcohol–based cosmetics;
- For 2 days before and after the treatment do not correct or dye your eyebrows;
If you have hyperpigmentation, we recommend using skin lightening cosmetics at night (to prevent hyperpigmentation and prolong skin whitening effect).

To restore skin after peeling  you should

- Use delicate cleansing: milk, foam and tonic according to skin type;
- Moisturize skin  
- Use skin active serum according to skin type to restore your skin (Hydropeptide Power Serum);
- Use SPF 30-50 to protect your skin
- Use moisturizing/restoring masks/creams while exfoliating the skin



After the procedure it is recommended:
- Do not use rough cleansing of the skin (abrasive scrubs, sponges);
- Do not expose your skin to sun (sunbathing or visiting tanning salons) during the first week after the treatment;
- Do not expose your skin to sudden temperature changes;
- Use a soothing or moisturizing cream based on your skin type;
- Follow the course prescribed by our specialist.

Body massage

  After session of body massage it is recommended:
- To take time for yourself
- To relax 10-15 minutes and to have water or tea 
- To take a relaxing warm bath with sea salt/essential oils, this will help to detoxify the body                      
- To drink a glass of water or green tea just after the session and do not forget to follow the drinking regime
- To maintain proper nutrition: to give preference to light foods

Face massage

After session of face massage it is recommended:
- To follow course prescribed by our specialist;
- To follow recommendations about your beauty routine at home, our specialist will help to choose it based on your skin type and needs
- To choose a gadget for home self-massage to maintain the effect (our specialist will help you to choose a gadget);
- Please note that following home care recommendations  will consolidate and prolong the effect of the massages.
- In some cases swelling and pain in the facial muscles is normal (this feeling can last from several hours to 1-2 days).

the best



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